Are you an IT-talent? We are looking for the right job for you..
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What we do
We have a wide network which enables us to bring together IT-talents, especially from the russian-speaking area, with german companies who have open vacancies. We continue to expand our network of large and medium-sized companies same as start ups every day and are therefore constantly looking for new IT-talents.
Our process
Our canditates are carefully preselected by our researchers and checked for their technically and personal skills as well as their experience and the willingness for new ventures. We add promising candidates to our Intercruit Talent Database so that we can introduce them to interested companies as quickly as possible. Our destination company and teams are carefully analyzed in order to find the right puzzle to complete the team impact. During the recruiting process, we also support you with all formal questions relating to the German immigration law.
Our mission
We support you in your professional development as an IT-talent and in your search for new challenges in a new organization.
So we are looking forward to meet you and provide you with the job you are looking for.
Frauenstraße 17
80469 Munich
+49 (0) 89 4141701-0
Opening Hours
Mo. -Fr. : 9:00 – 18:00